But I think my own worst enemy when it comes to working in teams is myself. I have a hard time relinquishing control to others and I really cannot stand to have the work of others reflect my grade in a class. I don't know if I ever will understand how that is fair or why it is necessary.
Ironically, I work better in teams outside the classroom setting. The office where I work is very collaborative. We all work as a team to produce several publications for our hospital system. We also work together to put on health fairs and other community events.
When I'm not being graded, I seem to like working in groups. I like how the seed of a good idea can blossom into a great one when it is fed by the input of others. I always find better outcomes and stronger concepts when I have collaborated with others.
Other advantages to group work include a lower stress level. I have completed a magazine in two weeks. I've done it with the help of my co-workers and, more recently, by myself. A task that was mildly stressful when tackled by a group almost sent me into a nervous breakdown by myself. But the issue is finished and it looks great!
Of course there are advantages to working alone as well! Like you don't have to take time out of your work schedule to collaborate ideas. You can just jump right in and begin working. You don't have to answer to anyone else and when the product comes out good, you don't have to share any of the glory!
You don't have to create peer reviews either, which I find extremely difficult. I don't feel I have the experience to evaluate other's work and who am I to say whether they've done their best? Especially when we're working online together and I've never met the person.
I must admit at this point in my life I feel I am old enough that I do not need to work in groups in school anymore. But with everything that I have on my plate, I do like the idea of splitting the workload and responsibilities.
So, here's to the beginning of another great class and another series of group projects, learning to work with different work ethics and cultures! It should be interesting!