Saturday, October 13, 2012

How To Make A T-Shirt Scarf

Another craft I've picked up from Pinterest? The T-Shirt scarf! I've grown so enamored with these creations that I've even decided to make them to fulfill my quota for the upcoming Junior League Holly Day Fair.

So why, if I'm planning on selling these at the Holly Day Fair, am I sharing how to create these? Well, because I'm nice and they're fun and I'm hoping there will still be plenty of people to buy them at the fair. So if you'd like to learn how to make this fun and stylish craft project, read on folks! If not, you can get yours at the Crown Center the first weekend in November!

Without further ado:

The T-Shirt Scarf

Step 1. Start with a T-shirt. I find that a men's XL or XXL works best!

Step 2. Cut off the bottom hem and then make another cut below the arms, making sure to cut below any logos that may appear on the shirt. 

Step 3. Cut the rest of the shirt into one-inch strips, like so.

Step 4. Stretch and then stretch some more. 

You now have the most basic of T-Shirt scarfs. Yep. That's it folks. You can also cut and braid the pieces of the scarf or simply add a flower. In this version, we are going to add adorable matching rosettes!

Making Rosettes

Step 1. Cut several thicker strips of T-shirt material. I took mine from the back of the shirt, between the arms. Cut them about 2 inches wide.

Step 2. Cut squares of felt in the approximate size of your intended rosette. This will keep the flower together and give us something to attach a pin to so they can be removed from the scarf if needed.

Step 3. Tie a knot at the end of your strip of fabric. Place a generous amount of glue in the center of your felt and then place the knot tied side up in the middle. This will be the center of our rose!

Step 4. Now, begin twisting the fabric towards you, gluing it to the felt as you go. When you reach the edge of your felt piece, trim it to fit your rosette and then take one last turn around with the fabric, so the rosette is ever so slightly larger than the felt. Tuck the end of the fabric behind the rosette and then glue it down. Your finished product should look like this!

Step 5. I like to combine several rosettes together. To do so, just glue them to another piece of felt, placing a little glue between the rosettes so they attach to each other as well. Then, make a few slits in the felt and slip in a few pins or clips. Glue those down, like so...

Now you can clip your rosettes to your scarf and the result is totally adorable! Check it out!

Have fun crafting everyone!

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