Friday, August 17, 2012

Let's get charitable!

OK, those of you who know me, know I try to help others when I can. But I can't always do it myself. Sometimes I need the help of my friends! I have a lot of opportunities coming up where my friends can help me help others. I don't want to be chasing people down, asking for money all the time, but I sure would like some help. Take a gander at my list... Maybe there's something going on that you would like to help me with??? Come on, people! Let's get charitable!

Coming up first is the Gently Used Purse Sale for the Child Advocacy Center! It's next Saturday, Aug. 25, from 9 am to noon, at Max Abbott Middle School. Admission is only 5 bucks and there's tons of cute bags (I've seen some) for sale! Like this one: 

Y'all can see that Kate Spade label on there, right? Cuz I can!

The Child Advocacy Center is near and dear to my heart. They do great things over there for abused children and they could use some help too. Plus, PURSES people!

In September, I'll be walking in Cape Fear Valley's Friends of the Cancer Center Ribbon Walk and Ride. 

The older I get, the more cancer is touching me. It took my dad. It took my friend Angel. My sister had a bout with it, and my friend Kim's mom is currently kicking the shit out of it!

The walk is on Saturday, Sept. 15 and I need people to sponsor me. This is exercise people, so you know I take this seriously! Here is the website if anyone wants more information:

Please let me know if you're interested!

If purses aren't your thing, and you have no interest in fighting cancer (WTF people?), you can still help me out by coming to the Blue Jean Ball and bidding on my chair. Everyone likes to sit, right???

The Chair-ity Auction is part of the Child Advocacy Center's annual Blue Jean Ball where party-goers can bid on one-of-a-kind chairs decorated by people of the community. One of the chairs this year will be created by yours truly (and whoever I can get to help me)! So grab your best blue jeans and boots, pack up your pardner and do-si-do on over to the Blue Jean Ball on Oct. 6 to bid on my chair! It's for a great cause!

OK, so there you go. An entire post about me with my hand out. But I'm just trying to help some of those around me. ANd I'm ready to feel the love and support (and the green y'all) of those that love ME. Won't you help me help others?

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