Friday, January 4, 2013

This year I resolve... to make more resolutions!

It's that time of year, kids. Time for all the boys and girls to share their plans for the upcoming year! It's trite I know. But I'm hoping by making my resolutions known, you all will keep me accountable. Maybe this will be the first year I keep all of my resolutions!

1. Hit the gym!

Everyone says this one, I know! So why should I be any different? Seriously though, I was member to our town's nicest gym, owned by the local hospital and I loved it. But I let laziness and illness get me kicked out of a great program where I got to go for free. This year I'm back in and I plan on staying in!

2. Be more organized!

I've never been a neat freak, though I'm not a slob either. But in 2012, I went back to grad school, joined the Junior League and decided to find a social life. This left me little time for the unimportant things like housework. So, what does any smart girl do in 2013 when she's looking for solutions to life's problems? I hit up Pinterest! There I found all kinds of great suggested schedules for dividing housework up throughout the week! Another quick visit to for some cute scrapbooking downloads and now the following hangs on my refrigerator!

Somehow, having things broken up like this, makes housework seem like a less daunting task. I don't have to mop all my floors – I only have to do the bathroom today! It makes the whole thing seem much more approachable and doable. Three days in and my kitchen, bathroom and living room all look gorgeous! And I am much less stressed about the rest of it! Whew!

3. Stop taking everything so personally.

This one is a hard one for me. I have a habit of thinking everything someone says is a dig at me in some way. Call it insecurity, call it being oversensitive, whatever. It's a problem I've had since I was a child and I need to get over it. So, in 2013, if you have a problem with me, you're going to have to tell me about it, because I am going to be over in my own space trying to assume that you don't! Did that make sense to anyone but me?

4. Get back on the horse, romantically speaking.

I've been knocked around a little emotionally the past few years. Because of that, I've been a little hesitant to put myself back out there. But this year, I'm going to do it! So friends, this is your invitation for setups. If you know someone, help a girl out. This is the year when Ginny starts to date again.

5. Take time for myself.

School, pets, Junior League and other community commitments has sometimes had me feeling a little spread thin. So this year, I'm taking time for myself. I vow to take time to stop and smell the wine, when needed. So friends, if I tell you I need to be alone one night, it's not because I don't love you and don't want to spend time with you. It's just because I need some quiet time for myself to rest and replenish. I hope you understand. In the end it will make me a much happier, relaxed person.

That's all, folks! My resolutions for 2013! I'll try and keep you updated on how well I'm doing at keeping them. Wish me luck and happy new year!

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